ISO 14855-2 :

ISO 14855-2  – Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions — Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide — Part 2: Gravimetric measurement of carbon dioxide evolved in a laboratory-scale test. It evaluates the biodegradation potential of materials that are expected to undergo rapid composting in industrial composting plants.

The heart of ISO 14855-2 lies in its gravimetric measurement approach. This method involves carefully monitoring the amount of carbon dioxide evolved during the biodegradation process. By adjusting the humidity, aeration, and temperature of the composting vessel, the test is meticulously designed to optimize the rate of biodegradation, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

ISO 14855-2 is highly versatile, catering to a wide range of materials, including natural and synthetic polymers, copolymers, and their mixtures. Moreover, plastic materials containing additives such as plasticizers or colorants can also be tested using this method. Even water-soluble polymers fall within the scope of this standard.

In the event that the test material exhibits inhibition towards the microorganisms present in the inoculum, the standard suggests an alternative approach. Utilizing another type of mature compost or pre-exposure compost can ensure a comprehensive assessment of the biodegradability potential.

ISO 14855-2 is a powerful tool in the quest for sustainable waste management solutions. By accurately measuring the evolved carbon dioxide, this standard provides critical data on the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials. Embracing this method allows industries, researchers, and environmentalists to make informed decisions, promoting the adoption of eco-friendly materials and a greener future for all.

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