ISO 14851 :

Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium.

Introduction :

Discover a sustainable solution for assessing the biodegradability of plastic materials with this comprehensive testing method. Under laboratory conditions, the test material is exposed to an inoculum from activated sludge. Enhancing Assessment with Carbon Balance: The method allows the assessment of biodegradability to be improved by calculating a carbon balance.

Applicable Materials :

This method is suitable for evaluating various materials, including: Natural and/or synthetic polymers, copolymers, or mixtures thereof. Plastic materials containing additives like plasticizers, colorants, or other compounds and water-soluble polymers can also be tested.

Keywords :

aerobic biodegradability testing, plastic materials, formulation additives, natural aqueous environment, sustainable solution, potential biodegradability assessment.

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