ISO 17556 :
Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in soil by measuring the oxygen demand or the amount of carbon dioxide evolved
ISO 17556 is a standard that outlines a method for determining the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in soil. This method assesses how well plastic materials break down in a soil environment under aerobic (oxygen-rich) conditions.
Key Features :
Optimum Biodegradation: ISO 17556 is designed to yield the most accurate degree of biodegradation by adjusting the humidity of the test soil. This ensures that the test conditions mimic natural aerobic biodegradation processes as closely as possible.
Materials Covered :
ISO 17556 applies to various plastic materials, including natural and synthetic polymers, copolymers, or mixtures of these. It also includes plastic materials with additives such as plasticizers or colorants, as well as water-soluble polymers.
Duration :
Normally up to 6 months; prolong the test up to 2 years if significant biodegradation is still observed after 6 months. Generally, 90% rate of biodegradation should be reached for a material to pass the test.